MComm Technologies is an End to End technology provider focused on providing SMEs and consumers access to basic technology infrastructure accross Africa and Europe .

  • Address: 1 Leo Road, Sunward Park,
    Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa
  • Phone: 010 140 1490 / 021 000 2920
  • Email: admin@mcommtech.co.za


Dark fiber Africa is a grassroots initiative to bring high-speed broadband to every household in Africa. The project involves deploying optical fibers across Africa at a rapid pace. This will provide schools, businesses, government agencies and households with high-speed data connections. It will also make it easy to access data connectivity for medical purposes, education and communication. Essentially, the project will transform the continent through innovation and technology.

Fiber optic networks have been incorporated into planning processes for educational facilities. This allows schools to connect with each other and share resources. It also makes it easy to improve educational standards by training teachers how to use the curriculum. Additionally, these large scale deployments help in communicating between government institutions and citizens. This allows for proper management of basic services such as healthcare and education. In a way, these large scale deployments allow for Africa to leapfrog its current state of technological development.


MComm Technologies has been instrumental in the roleout of uncontended 1 to 1 dedicated business fiber to a number of businesses. Our offerings range from 10Mbps-10Gbps lines and/or data internet breakouts.

Our Role

Our role is to ensure that a project meets its objectives which involves coordinating the efforts of various stakeholders to achieve set goals.
Our responsibilities include leading, supervisor and decision-making for project team. We liaise between teams, clients and stakeholders for the effective completion of project.
MComm Technologies is a distributor of SA's leading fiber providers which means all our clients are not locked to a single vendor's limited options and solution is implemented on a best fit basis.
This strategy has been very successful and resulted in higher customer satisfaction.

NB: MComm Technologies is a solutions business and all implementations require a needs analysis to be conducted as there are various factors that may influence pricing.
